Aspiring: Put Your Fears in Perspective to Move Forward

As the work week starts up again, i’ts easy to get wrapped up in stress and overwhelm where our attention is focused mostly on what we fear or want to avoid (e.g. not having enough time for everything, not being able to stay competitive and relevant in today’s market).  This only contributes to our experience of stress and overwhelm, often making it even worse.

One of the best ways to get out of this fear and avoidance spiral is to re-connect to our aspirations.  By focusing on what we want to move toward and imagining how it will make us feel to achieve that aspiration, we are able to put our fears in perspective again and not let them overshadow everything else.

An often-shared analogy for this is when you take a trip in a car – you don’t get to where you’re going by looking in the rearview mirror the whole time you’re driving; rather, you get to where you’re going by keeping your eyes on the road ahead and having a good idea in mind about where you’re headed.

Aspiration: A strong desire, longing, or aim;
A goal or objective that is strongly desired

Not sure what your aspirations are?  Dare to dream big as you consider them because a small aspiration won’t inspire you enough when the going gets tough.  Here are my favourite questions to reflect on, to help you gain clarity on what you aspire to today and in the future:

  1. What do you dream of for your life?
  2. What do you long for most in your life?
  3. How will you feel when you realize your dreams and longings?

Once you have some words and images for your aspirations, synthesize them in a way that makes them memorable and easy to recall in the moment.  Re-visit them every day to help you stay focused on what will move you forward, instead of on what holds you back.

(Note: the ASPIRING Mindset™ is also a trademarked concept that is taught in the Business Coaching Advantage Certification Program™ of which the author is a faculty member.  The ASPIRING Mindset™ refers to a positive, mindful and human approach to coaching and leadership.  For more on the BCA Program™, please visit: )

About Me

Maggie Coulter Coaching was founded in 2009.  Specializing in career and leadership coaching for people who have experienced significant interpersonal trauma. Navigate stressful work situations and lead with confidence.

You can learn more about me here.

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